Breakdancing Gods
Last week we attended two plays in Kristiansand. The first one was called Pust. It had only two actors, on a nearly empty stage, and they played a couple discussing the ethics of bringing a child into the modern world. (I may or may not have fallen asleep in the middle). The entire thing was in Norwegian, and they spoke very, very quickly. It was extremely impressive though, as they had to memorize an hour and a half of straight conversation/argument. We saw Pust at Riksteatret in the city, which was a nice break from our normal evenings. Here are some pictures of inside the theater: The next day, we went back to Kristiansand to see a breakdancing show about the Norse Gods, called Norr. It was aimed more at children, but it was super fun! The dancers were absolutely amazing. They were so strong, and had some insane moves, like spinning on their heads, or jumping up and down--while...