Ryvingen Pictures

         This is a little late, but I wanted to share the pictures that I have from our trip to the Ryvingen Lighthouse. I don't have all of the pictures I'd hoped for, but these still show how fun our trip was! Here I am, standing on the highest point of the island--the hill opposite the lighthouse. There's something weird going on with the picture uploading process, my computer is making them much smaller than they used to be, so sorry if they are blurry. I think you can click on them to see them in better definition. 

This is a picture from the early stages when we were painting. By the end, it was completely covered in paint and smudges. 

We woke up early to see the sunrise!

Here is the lighthouse from the other side of the island. 

This is an up close photo of the Ryvingen Fyr.

Ananda, Heiden and I helped Marianne set up the tables for painting. 

I love this picture, I think this was taken in the morning before the sunrise. The triangle thing is the pyramid on the other side. It was very fun to hike to, and extremely windy!

There was a little pond, and the only one brave enough swim was Magdaline--from Kenya! You can see the pond in the picture right above as well. It was in between the pyramid and the lighthouse.

In the mornings we still had assembly--here is the art teacher giving us the plan for the day.

We stayed in this cute little house!

Another view of the lighthouse, you can really see how choppy the ocean was.

We took a walk and found this incredible part of the island. It looked like something from a movie, with the sun setting right between the rocks.

Here I am cooking dinner with Sara from art.

The boat that we took there and back was really small and scary, especially when it went over huge waves. 

There weren't seats, so much as a long cushion that we had to straddle, with a handlebar to hold onto.

We had our talent show the last night, and I performed the Jabberwocky poem. 

Something that I've been looking forward to since coming to Norway was trying the waffles I've heard so much about. 

We ate them with brown cheese and jelly, and they were absolutely delicious! 

At the talent show, Ida and I also rapped Guns and Ships from the musical Hamilton.

I wish that I had more pictures, but these are all that I've got, since I couldn't take any of my own. I hope they load and that you can see them larger, because I think this platform updated or something which screwed up how I upload. For those wondering, I got out of quarantine on Wednesday, and everything is back to normal :)


  1. The pictures came out fine. Loved hearing your rap on instagram! Wish I could try the waffles, they look sooo good! Thanks for posting!!!!

  2. Waffles with brown cheese! Finally!! These pics are great, thanks for sharing them.

  3. Is it a working lighthouse? Very cool pics! Yummy waffles :)

    1. Yep, it's a working lighthouse. We had to make sure our curtains were tightly closed at night, otherwise the flashing would keep us up! They have caretakers that are usually there, and I think in the summer it's a semi popular tourist destination. (And the waffles were delicious!)


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