A Cozy Evening

         At Agder, we have four meals each day, the last one being our evening meal at 8pm. It normally consists of bread, an array of spreads, meats, cheeses, and other sandwich fixings. After evening meal, my friends and I usually hang out in the peisestue, knitting, playing games, chatting, and drinking hot cocoa. Here is a panorama of the peisestue:

        Some nights we watch movies in the school's auditorium--a real movie theater experience right at school. Last week we spent the evenings watching Twilight movies together, and laughing at how terrible they are. It was super fun! To use the aula, we just have to ask the teacher in charge for the night, and connect one of our laptops to the projector and speaker. It doesn't matter how many people are watching, so if it's just us, we can put on a movie and chat through the whole thing. 

        Last Friday night, Marianne was in charge, and after evening meal she made lapper--a sort of pancake type thing that we ate with jam. When we got to the front of the line, Marianne asked Ananda to take over for her. She quickly taught her how to cook them, and left Ananda in charge. I stuck around for moral support. (Everybody knows that the best job is a chef's best friend!) 

        They were so delicious that everybody came back for seconds. We started with so much batter, but by the end of the night all of them had been eaten. Marianne said that she likes to make these when she's in charge, so I hope she supervises often! 


  1. What a great place to watch a movie! How is the sound system?

    1. Oh it's amazing! We watched Lord of the Rings and it was so loud and exciting.

  2. You need to learn how to make lapper!

  3. Where do these fall on the pancake line? More like American pancakes or more like crepes? They look delicious! Send the recipe!

    1. They're more like American pancakes, definitely not crepes. They are like those flatter pancakes you get at restaurants.


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