Drama, Shhhhh

         While we were enjoying ourselves at the Ryvingen lighthouse, there was some insane drama unfolding back at the school. We left Tuesday morning, and by Tuesday night, 9 students had been suspended, and the campus was crawling with police, firemen, divers, reporters, and the Kristiansand Search and Rescue team. 

        About a fifteen minute walk around the lake takes you to where the lake meets the ocean, and there is a large dock, a cabin, and a bathroom. This is a popular party spot because it is off of school property, but close enough to be convenient. Our school doesn't have many rules--we're all adults here, and they trust us to be responsible and take care of ourselves. However the biggest rule is that we are not allowed to drink or store alcohol on campus. The drinking age is 18, so everybody can buy alcohol, and most people just hide it in the woods. 

        Tuesday night, there was apparently a huge party at the ocean. Sometime in the night there was a noise complaint, so the police came to break it up. Everybody scattered, and when they got back to school, they realized they were missing someone. A girl had gotten separated from her friends, and nobody could find her. The school had to get involved, and officials from all over came to look for her in the dark. Luckily, she was found, but somehow she swam all the way to an island, while completely drunk, and was stranded there. It was very scary, because she could have died, as it gets quite cold here at night, and she was suspended for a week. 

        Meanwhile, all of the drunk partiers had gone back to the school, and in the chaos, thought it would be a great idea to continue drinking. The teachers busted 8 students drinking in one of the common rooms--not even trying to hide it! This all happened when our class, the art class, and the outdoor class were each on trips. There was already hardly anyone at the school, and after the nine were suspended, it really dampened the mood. From what I've gathered, the rest of the week was filled with assemblies, and most of the electives were postponed. Imagine our shock when we came back from our relaxing trip--without phones--to the news of what we'd missed. I think our teachers were extremely glad that we hadn't even had the chance to be involved. Hopefully everybody learned their lesson, and something like this won't happen again. 


  1. That's such a shame. Glad you were away. I hope you are feeling better

  2. Whoa!!!! Thank goodness she was found safe. How long is their suspension? A week? Do they have to leave campus?


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