
         Wednesday is usually our long day--with class before and after lunch--so we were all very excited when our principal--Reidar--announced we'd be going sledding until dinner on Wednesday. A few classes were away, so the rest of the school was driven to a big sled hill and cross country ski area. 

        We had two types of sleds, one like a rectangle that was big enough for a few people, and one like a circle that basically just fit your butt. Sledding was really fun, if not a little scary. The hill was steep, and since we haven't exactly had snow, it was mostly ice. At the bottom, the hill went up again to stop people, but some went a little too fast and shot off. Others threw themselves off of the sleds before they could get tossed. 

        After sledding for a while, everybody sat down to eat. Most of us had packed lunches, but the reiseliv boys gave everyone a laugh when the pizza truck arrived for them. We sat around the fire hanging out until Reidar said we would be leaving an hour early due to the cold, and the astounding number of injuries. Sledding is a dangerous sport! 


  1. Looks like fun. I hope you get more snow so you can try again with better results!

  2. Yikes! It does look like fun though :) Tomorrow we are 100% getting snow here!


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