Random Shenanigans

         Now that we're back to normal, or as normal as it gets at a Norwegian Folk High School, I thought I'd share some of our everyday memories! First off, Ananda and I got roller-skates! We kept seeing videos on instagram of people skating, and decided to gift ourselves skates for a late xmas. We've been skating in the gym, and even led an American themed Morning Assembly for NLC--don't ask. They're tons of fun, and the goal is to eventually skate to kiwi and/or Tangvall. 

        When Alina and I were at my family's for Jul, we ate our weight in riskrem. It's a dessert made from leftover grøt (porridge) and it is delicious! We have grøt every Saturday at school, so last Saturday we snatched two extra bowls, and made riskrem that evening. However, we soon realized that we had too much krem and not enough ris. We saw our principal in the hallway and asked if he could unlock the kitchen so we could steal more grøt. He seemed a bit confused as to why we'd be making a Christmas dessert, but he was glad to help! 

As you can see, this photo was taken right before I dropped riskrem all over Sofia.

        One fun thing that started during our quarantine period and has now grown is our Bachelor nights. We use a vpn and my brother's hulu account to watch Bachelor in Paradise with 8-10 students from 3-4 different classes. The group changes, but the core NLC members remain. We're watching in NLC, and always move three couches to create a comfy and cozy area. It's been lots of fun watching (and making fun of) the show, and now we want to recreate the *iconic* theme song with our class for a Morning Assembly. (Peep the giant bowl of riskrem)

(As you can see it's very intense!)

        Saturday night, we had our first Agderlørdag party since we've been back--hosted by the staff. It started with Tommy--the Global teacher--surprising everyone by swinging though the curtains. My favorite part was a mistranslation skit featuring Arne--the Reiseliv teacher--as an American preacher, and our vice principal John Åge as a very confused Norwegian translator. I was able to understand most of it, and it was absolutely hilarious! The next day, we had some fun with the swing as well. 

        The Aula is one of our favorite places in school. It has a huge projector and great sound system, and with permission we can plug in our computers to watch movies and tv. Over the fall, the new season of The Mandalorian came out, and we watched faithfully each week as new episodes were released. Christmas break occurred a few weeks before the season finale, so the other day we put on the last three episodes, and got to experience the ending on the big screen. Our Mandalorian crew consists of about ten students from various classes, and though it's over for now, hopefully we can find another show to watch together! 


  1. Interesting that porridge can be a dessert!!! Would love to try it!


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