Memories from FHS: Mafia - Evelyn and Sofia's Hitlist

The Killers - Sofia and Evelyn

Hanne - Plant in the Aula

        Sofia stuck grass between the pages of Hanne's songbook, and when she grabbed it for morning assembly, she was dead. Easy kill. 

Sindre A - Ping Pong Ball in the Cafeteria

        We don't know Sindre at all, so this was a very difficult one. We tried to put it in the wash bucket when we were on kitchen duty, as ask him to pass it to us, but he was intercepted by Fabian right before he could grab it. After a few more failed attempts, we decided we needed a man on the inside. I knew who had to kill Fabian, and with what, so we worked out a deal with him that he would kill Sindre, and we would tell him his murderer--and that we also wouldn't help them kill him (would have been easy). He brought a broken ping pong ball to lunch and pretended he had broken it while playing, and all of the boys passed it around. We told Sindre he was dead later that day, so as not to out our co-conspirator. 

Johan - Glasses in the Aula

        Conveniently, the day we got Johan the school decided to have Grab the Mic, which he is notoriously good at. We knew we had to somehow slip him a pair of glasses, but weren't sure how. Grab the Mic went on for an hour or so, and then a group of people left. This left empty spaces in the front row next to us, which Johan and some other Reiseliv boys took. One of the stips--Alex--rapped an Eminem song with a pair of glasses that were sitting on the table. There were two pairs there. Working with Alina, I told her that we needed to wear the glasses and sing the next song. It was Price Tag by Jessie J and we were ready. We grabbed the glasses and ran onstage. When the song finished, Alina put her glasses back, but I wore mine to my seat. She loudly pointed out that I'd forgotten to put my glasses back, and, acting shocked, I asked the row to pass them back down to the stips. When they reached Johan, I told him he was dead. He sat there holding the glasses in shock for a few minutes, then got up and sang a very depressing song. 

Trym - A Pen in the Dorms

        Sounds easy right? It would have been, but Johan told Trym that we now had him, and the circumstances we needed to kill him in. Unknowing, we conspired with Bente, the dorm leader, to ask the boys in Trym's dorm group to sign the sheets that signify they've done their chores. Trym refused. He later found Sofia in the hall, and proceeded to taunt her, talking about how silly that plan was, and how we couldn't possibly kill him. He is notoriously paranoid, and has spent time training the other Reiseliv boys--throwing things at each other and purposely not catching them to get rid of the Dude Reflex. We did some snooping, and found out that Trym was going home to see his family for a few days. That meant that he would be leaving, and if he left, he's take his jacket with him. We guilt tripped his roommate--Jakob who shrunk my mitten--into telling us which jacket was Trym's, and the evening he left, while he was in class, we snuck down to their floor and put two pens in his jacket. It's a big jacket with lots of pockets, so I put one pen in a very obvious spot, and another where even I couldn't find it easily when I checked again later. We waited patiently for him to leave, and got a text later that night that said "mad respect." He had apparently had a friend check his jacket before he grabbed it, and they found only one pen. He didn't find the other until he was partway home, and then he knew he was dead. 

Frederik - Songbook in the Cafeteria

        Frederik is a stipp, so he's done this before. He knows all of the Mafia tricks, and he was not looking to be killed easily. Sofia and I knew we couldn't just hand him a songbook. In fact, we couldn't hand him anything. Everyone was suspicious, the stipps especially so. Sofia and I kept track of Frederik during meal times, and realized that he always sat in one of two seats. We grabbed a songbook, and got some packing tape from the principal, then snuck into the cafeteria before evening meal. Feeling like secret agents, we flipped over the chairs that he usually sat in a taped the books to the underneath. In order to take a chair, you have to lift it off of the table and put it on the ground. As soon as he picked up the chair with the songbook attached, he would be dead. The problem was, the books were quite heavy and didn't want to stick to the chairs. We could only get one to stay, so we had to get him into that chair, and knew we had to be quick. As soon as kveldsmat started, Frederik went over to put his stuff down at his chair. I walked over with him, under the pretense that I wanted to talk about Star Wars. I said that we might as well wait for the line to get smaller, and sat down across from the chair I needed him to grab. It worked! He took the chair, and we announced that he was dead. Everyone that was aware of our plan started clapping--not so good for Sindre U who was trying to kill Sara with the same method. She immediately looked underneath the chair and saw a collection of chargers, foiling his plan.

Sara - Charger in the Cafeteria

        After we screwed up Sindre's best shot at killing Sara (even though it had been our idea from the start), Sofia and I thought that we ought to help him. Since she knew about the murder weapon and location, it was going to be difficult. She had a friend checking underneath all of her chairs, stopped carrying a bag, and didn't pick up anything she didn't have to. In our planning to assassinate Trym, we'd realized that the boys played poker each week while eating takeout, often requiring ketchup, and we'd considered trying to put a pen in a ketchup bottle. That seemed messy and difficult so we gave up the idea, but as we contemplated different ways to kill Sara, ketchup didn't seem like such a bad idea after all. We waited until Sindre's class was on a trip--when she'd be the least suspicious. They we got the kitchen staff on our side, and they agreed to give us a bottle of ketchup--into which we stuck a rubber glove wrapped charger--on the condition that nobody but Sara could use it. Harder than it sounds when you're trying to kill 1 out of 100 students that want ketchup on their fries. 

    We arranged everything with the teacher in charge as well, anticipating which table she's sit at so that it could be called first for food. The only thing was, she never showed up!! Sofia and I panicked, and I quickly rushed to take the ketchup bottle away. We were all sitting and eating, feeling disappointed, when she finally walked into the dining hall. I looked at Sofia, and suspicious or not, we knew what we had to do. While Sara was distracted filling her plate, I snuck the ketchup bottle back, and moved the other ones out of her way, making the murder weapon the most convenient bottle. After piling her plate with fries, she grabbed for the ketchup bottle, held it in her hand, and was dead. I immediately stopped her from using it and told her the news. She was upset, but rather impressed. When I sat down again Sofia and I were so excited! Fabian however, sitting between us, was terrified. 

Anna - Plate Outside

        As a thank you to Fabian for his help killing Sindre, we'd added him to our little alliance, and agreed to help him kill his target, Anna, using a plate outside. Sofia and I, with our flair for the dramatic, came up with the perfect plan. Marianne was absent from Språktrening one evening, so we got the whole of NLC in on hosting a fake birthday party for Alina, who'd had her birthday during Christmas vacation. The catch was that because we had real candles, we had to do the cake outside, due to the notoriously sensitive fire alarm. Tommaso was the in charge of the explanation, and chaotic as usual, he guided everyone out. It would have worked out perfectly, but one person loudly stated, "oh this would be such a good Mafia kill," which immediately made the remaining participants suspicious. It was really frustrating, and we knew that it would make our jobs harder. Somehow, we ended up doing something even easier the next day. Luck was on our side, and I ended up talking with a friend of Anna's who she had murdered. She was more than happy  to help us kill her, so the next day when the school took a trip to the movies, we stuck a paper plate in her bag. As they were walking from the bus to the theater, she asked Anna to hold her bag for a minute, and Anna complied. It was definitely a collaborative murder, but a fun one!

Evelyn - Rock in a Classroom

        You might be thinking, 'why on Earth would you pick up a rock in a classroom, Dummy?" Well, it's a sad story. It was Thanksgiving, my favorite day of the year, and I had just spent hours cooking a giant meal for our class and the art class. My killer, Nöemi, had spent the day painstakingly painting a rock to look like a pumpkin, to use as decoration for the table. Apparently, it had been a stressful day for her as well, and she'd spent the hour before dinner blow drying the rock so it could be used. Nöemi got Tommaso on her side, and he sat down at our side of the table with the rock. I was so distracted by the dinner, explaining the meal and feeling proud of everything we'd done that day, that I didn't think twice about moving the rock off my chair, thinking Tommaso must have just set it down to get food. I died during my favorite meal of the year, blind joy used against me. They were kind, and didn't tell me until the next day, but I found out that nearly everybody else had known! Quite the kill if you ask me. 

Sofia - Winner

        After Easter break, the game was basically over. We all had targets that we weren't very passionate about, and most people forgot about Mafia. Sofia lived out the rest of the school year in peace, wondering who her killer might have been. 


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