Trip to the Beach

         Every Thursday all of the classes gather in the Aula for a seminar, but a few weeks ago it was Earth Day and the weather was nice, so we took a trip to the beach instead. It's about a 20 minute walk from the school to the beach, and when we got there we all settled in to enjoy the sun. There's a playground right there, so of course we acted like the 19/20 year olds that we are: 


        After a little while, one of the teachers arrived with a volleyball net which we set up together. There are two volleyball classes at school, so most of us have been playing all year. We got a group of 12 or so and started playing, but were interrupted before we could finish the game by the arrival of another teacher with a car full of pastries! There's a local dessert called Høllenboller that is a cream filled pastry, and it's absolutely delicious! 

        We enjoyed our desserts and then went back to volleyball. It was really windy, and though I thought it was still quite chilly, some people even went in the water! Crazy! When most people started to leave, my friends and I walked another 20 minutes to a local Thai food truck to grab dinner. (It was a fish day back at school, and those are notorious for being skipped). We ate and hung out at a little picnic table, and eventually made our way back to school. Overall, it was a super fun day! 


  1. It's hilarious that he has a pastry rack in the back of his car!!!!

  2. So, did you win the volleyball game????


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