Morning Assembly :)

         Each morning we have an assembly after breakfast with the whole school where we get announcements about the upcoming week and any activities in store. One class is in charge of hosting each week, and must provide some sort of quick morning entertainment. It can be a skit, a kahoot quiz, a dance battle--anything you can think of. Then we end the assembly with a song from the songbook and head to class. 

        It was NLC morning assembly recently, and Sofia and I were partnered to come up with something. The night before our day, we still had no ideas. After talking with Bjorn, we decided to use our morning assembly as a silly prank on Tommaso. He's sort of our class clown, the typical Italian, and our good friend. But he's also known for sleeping in and walking into morning assembly half asleep. 

        His family owns a castle in Italy, and it's been a hot topic this year, so Sofia and I decided to create a presentation about a fake holiday, using pictures of his castle to see if we could mess with him. (Just to be clear: it's a joke and we thought it through, don't worry). 

        We stayed up until nearly 1am making the presentation and were so excited the next morning, but our plans were foiled as he actually slept through the assembly! Obviously we were a little disappointed, but it was nice out so we took the school for a short walk instead--good to get outside. The rest of the week went by, and other people gave presentations and other bits of entertainment. 

        On the last day, Tommaso and Eric were supposed to present something, but I talked to Eric and realized he had nothing prepared. Sofia and I showed him our presentation and he thought it was hilarious. While it was a direct prank on Tommaso, it was also generally funny, and included some popular jokes about the school. We set up the computer with the presentation, and when Tommaso walked in we showed him the title page, "The Day of the Crown" and told him to just wing it--there was no time to prepare. 

        Eric began, but when Tommaso looked at the second slide and began to speak, he paused and said "Hey, that's my castle!" Those of us who knew the joke were cracking up, and the rest of the school began to suspect that something was amiss. By the end, everyone was laughing! To his credit, Tommaso did a great job presenting without having seen it before. We all got a laugh from it afterwards, and he was so confused as to how we'd gotten all of the pictures--siblings are always down for a good prank, and Tommaso's sister was no different!

        Click here to see the presentation, though I warn you, it's very random and riddled with inside jokes. 


  1. So clever!!! Now you must go visit him in his castle sometime :)

  2. NLC reunion at the Italian castle!! (Can moms come, too?)


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