Mexican International Food

         I'm not in the International Food class, but I somehow always end up there. It's not hard to see why, when we make such delicious meals! Last Thursday Valeria made food from Mexico, so of course I had to be there. When I arrived, she was explaining the food; in typical Valeria style she had gone above and beyond, and had a multitude of things planned. 

        My first task was cutting onions. Fun, right? Wrong. Since we were cooking for 80 people, Bjorn and I needed to slice up 35 onions. I was completely in tears by the end, but my next task was slicing watermelon and that was much more fun--and much more delicious to snack on as well!

        We made guac, watermelon juice, chicken tacos, and cheesy potato burrito things. For dessert we even made churros! I helped stuff the burritos, and Eric fried them. I don't know what I'd expected that morning, but I sure didn't think my day would lead to me grabbing straight fistfuls of mashed potatoes from a giant bowl. 

        Cooking was completely chaotic, and we needed to push back dinner half an hour so that we could be ready. It was well worth it though, as everything was delicious! I had so much fun cooking, dancing, and hanging out with my friends. 

        My favorite part was making the watermelon juice. We mashed up 7 large watermelons and I used a hand blender to mix it so it was drinkable. Then I added some water and sugar--Valeria and I taste tested each step to make sure it was up to standard, and by the time we were done we must have made 10-15 gallons of watermelon juice. It was amazing, and I drank nearly a whole pitcher myself. International Food wasn't something I expected when I came to Agder, but it's one of my favorite parts of being here! 


  1. Another reason I can't wait to have you back home. Evelyn's international dinner night. I think we will need to schedule that every week.

  2. I love watermelon juice!!! Putting watermelon on the grocery list right now!
    Did the onions go into both burritos? Potato, cheese & onion fried burrito sounds so good right now.

  3. That sounds so yummy! I want some watermelon juice :)

  4. I hope you will make some of your favorite meals from there when we come out

    I hope you can make some of your favorite food for us when we come this summer!!


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