Skoleball (Prom)

        Our class came back from Kvinen Thursday night, and got the day off on Friday--which meant we had lots of time to rest our sore feet and prepare for the school ball! We'd all been a little worried that the weather would prevent us from attending, but even 11 km through the snow couldn't keep us from prom!

        The Ball Committee had worked so hard to make the evening special. Usually, the ball would be outside of school, but due to covid we couldn't hire a venue. The school was extremely helpful, and after careful consideration even compromised with the students to allow alcohol to be served. (Their number one rule here is no alcohol on campus). The ball was to be held exclusively in the cafeteria--school rules applied everywhere else--and once you were in, you could only leave to go to the bathroom, no going to your room and coming back. 

        My friends and I got ready together in my room, and arrived at 6:30 for pictures. I wore my 2020 prom dress that my mom shipped from America; our senior prom was canceled so I'd never gotten to wear it. When we arrived, they gave us each a fun glass of sprite--with berries in it to look fancy--and sat us at our tables. I was seated between Ananda and Elise, with Alina, Valeria and some other girls. Fabian kicked off dinner with a lighthearted poem about the year, and then we all ate pizza! For dessert, we had Ananda's delicious cinnamon roll cake. 

        After dinner, there were a few speeches made by the stipps, as well as a speech for the boys given by Ingrid, and one for the girls given by Adam. Not a tradition I'm used to, but it was quite fun! The cafeteria was impressively decorated, with a dance floor, a dj station, and a bar run by the stipps. It was a little awkward at first, but my friends and I went out to the dance floor to start the trend, and eventually other people came on. It was so much fun, everyone together jumping around and having a great time! 

        At 11:30 there were awards. They had sent out a form for us to fill out--prom king, queen, best dressed, and most fun on the dance floor. I ended up winning best dressed for my sparkly American prom dress! The ball went on until about 12:30, and for the last song we all stood in a giant circle together, swaying back and forth. Folk High School really is the place to be in this pandemic. I am so lucky for this bubble that I am living in, that allows silly things like a school prom to be possible. Overall, it was a super fun night, and I'm so glad that we were able to go! 



  1. So fun! That dress! Love how it sparkles! 💃⚡️💖
    (PS send Ananda's cinnamon roll cake recipe!)

  2. What a great event! And you look FAB :)

  3. All of you look so beautiful! Glad you had such a great time. I'm with your mother about the cinnamon roll cake recipe, it sounds yummy!!


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