Tur Med Lesevennene

        Yesterday, NLC went on a day-trip with our reading friends to Hellevika, a nearby bay. We drove about 15 minutes on the minibus, and then got out for a short hike. After Christmas, most people were assigned new reading buddies, so this was kind of a bonding experience. Kristine and I are really close and we're still making our way through Harry Potter, so with enough begging we were allowed to stay together! 

        The hike was about half an hour, and it's been snowy this week so we were all geared up. Once again we had spikes on our shoes, and I wore the mittens I knit. Marianne showed us a little cafe that's open on the weekends, and we detoured to a nice viewpoint for some pictures. We always take hot water, cocoa, coffee, hot dogs, ketchup and buns when we hike, so when we got to our destination we made a fire and got cooking! (We had some trouble starting the fire, but Eskil and Adam got to work chopping the wood into kindling, and eventually it was roaring).

        It was a great day to be outside, and while we were there it even began to snow a little! There was a swing, and someone had brought a jumprope. Kristine and I stuck around by the fire and roasted marshmallows. When it was time to leave, we covered the coals in snow and partnered up again. Instead of hiking back, we took a shortcut along the road. Overall, it was a really fun trip!


  1. Nice pictures! I sure hope you like hot dogs! :)

  2. Such a nice looking fire pit. Are they always available at hiking spots? Looks like a fun day!


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