
         While I know Rockport got snow over Halloween, here in Norway we've been waiting patiently for a decent snowfall. Finally on Monday our wishes came true. It snowed for most of the day, and was about three inches in total--not so much, but enough to have some fun outside! 

        Before dinner, Sofia, Bjorn, Ananda and I walked to Kiwi to get some snacks--bundled up in our jackets, hats, boots, and wool underwear. We got back just in time for dinner, and walked into the dining hall covered in snow and ready for a hot meal. 

        After dinner, some of our friends from Friluft announced they were going to have a snowball fight, so we bundled up again and headed outside. We had such a great time throwing snowballs, burying each other, and just rolling around in the snow. We tried to make a snowman, but the snow wasn't quite right, so we just hung out and had fun!

        It had stopped snowing by the evening, and the next morning everything looked so pretty. This was definitely no Nor'easter, but we still made the most of our first snowy day! (As a bonus, we didn't even have to shovel!)


  1. Snow fun without any work! Lucky you!!! We are going to get about 9" today in Wisconsin and unfortunately we will not be playing in it!

  2. We were supposed to get snow this week, but it was all rain. Looks so pretty out over the lake!

  3. I would have thought that you would get a lot more snow in Norway. Enjoy not shoveling this year!

  4. Your photos are so crystal clear! Hope you get more snow to play in :)


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