Playing Truant

         Life at a folk high school is pretty amazing, but that doesn't mean we never need a break. In total, the school has about 90 students, and it can feel a little claustrophobic sometimes. Coming from Rockport--a small school--I've always wanted to get out and go somewhere huge. (See: Purdue University--my plan for next year--with an undergrad enrollment of 35,000).

        The past few weeks have been a bit up and down, and I was feeling anxious to get out. I was talking with Bjorn and Sofia one night, and they were feeling the same way, so we decided to skip class last Tuesday to head into the city. We wanted to be back in time for volleyball (aren't we such terrible students?) so we only had about an hour and a half in Kristiansand, but it was perfect. Somehow--as small as our indiscretion was--the feeling of actively changing up the schedule and doing something spontaneous (and a little rebellious) was a good refresher. 

        We took the bus at 8:45, and spent the morning just wandering around the sleepy city. Before we left, we stopped and got Burger King. It was fun and random--one of the only restaurants open--and we had the satisfaction of knowing that while we were eating our crispy chicken sandwiches and fries, the rest of our class was stuck studying. We took the bus back, and arrived just in time for volleyball! 

        Our ditch day was a little ironic, considering that Wednesday our class took a field trip to the mall and had no class at all, but it was something that we each needed, and it put us all in a better headspace for the rest of the week. Like anywhere, it's a part of life that some days are better than others. I'm very lucky to have both family and friends that I can reach out to, and that I have the freedom to make my own decisions. Now, refreshed and ready to go, I'm very excited to see what adventures folk high school has in store for me! 


  1. Senior skip day??
    We all need days off once in a while.

  2. What are you going to study at Purdue University?

  3. As long as you were speaking Norwegian when you ordered your food, I'm good with it.


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