En Spennende Morgen

         Trying something new, my English translation is below. I am learning and thought this could be good practice :)

        Hver år trenger NLC elever å gjøre ei Språkpraksisuke i nærheten. Det betyr at vi må jobbe på en butikk eller andre sted i ei uke og snakke norsk med kolleger og kunder. I går kjørte Marianne meg til Tangvall fordi jeg skal jobbe på Tangvall Biblioteket neste måned. Jeg hilste på damen som jeg skal jobbe med, og hun viste oss biblioteket. Hun snakket norsk, og jeg forsto mye, men ikke alle. Det var litt pinlig, men jeg gleder meg til å jobbe hos biblioteket. Det skal være god praksis. 

        Etter vi besøkte biblioteket, kjørte vi gjennom Søgne til den gamle kirken. Klassen min hadde gikk fra skolen, og de ventet der for oss. To snille folk var der, og de viste oss rundt kirken. Kirken var så pen, og hadde mye fine bilder på veggene og taket. Den så litt kjedelig ut på utside, men var utrolig inni. Den var ikke veldig stor, og taket over benkene var lavt. Siden Covid, har jeg bare vært i en kirke to ganger--julaften og i går. Jeg likte det, og det var hyggelig; kirken er veldig gammel, og den luktet av tre. 

        Guidene snakket mye om kirken, og da kunne vi utforske litt. Alina og jeg gikk opp trappen til å se over benkene, og vi klatret opp en stige til toppen. Jeg tok noe bilder, og guidene fortalte oss at det bor et spøkelse i kirken. Det er sagt hvis du løper rundt kirken syv ganger, skal du se henne. (Selvfølgelig begynte guttene å løpe rundt, men jeg tror at de ble sliten og gikk runt i stedet. I alle falle, så de ikke spøkelset).

        Ved siden av kirken er et lite museum. Den eldste personen som var funnet i Norge var en kvine som heter Sol, og hun var funnet i Søgne. Vi gikk gjennom museumet, og jeg leste mye om Sol og hennes historie. Vi så ikke beinene, men vi så en likhet som ser ut som Sol. Det var veldig interessert, og etterpå så vi en kort video om arkeologi og hvor de funnet henne. 

        Før vi dro hjem, viste guidene oss en ubåt fra den andre verdenskrigen. Det står i en hule, og den så rart ut. Den hadde vært funnet etter krigen, og den var i veldig god form fordi det hadde ikke vært brukt mye. Vi så mange kule ting i går, og alt i alt var morgen spennende!


        Every year the NLC students do a Language Practice Week in the nearby area. This means that we must work in a store or other place for a week and speak Norwegian with colleagues and customers. Yesterday Marianne drove me to Tangvall because I'm going to work at the Tangvall library next month. I met the woman that I'm going to be working with, and she showed us the library. She spoke Norwegian, and I understood a lot, but not all. It was a little awkward, but I am excited to work with the library. It will be good practice!

        After we visited the library, we drove through Søgne to the old church. My class had walked from the school, and they waited for us. Two nice people were there, and they showed us around the church. The church was very pretty, and had many nice pictures on the walls and the ceiling. It looked a little boring from the outside, but was amazing inside. It wasn't big, and the ceiling over the pews was low. Since Covid, I have only been in a church two times--Christmas Eve and yesterday. I liked it, and it was nice; the church is very old, and it smelled like wood. 

        The guides talked a lot about the church, and then we could explore a little. Alina and I went up the stairs to see over the pews, and we went up a ladder to the top. I took some pictures, and the guides told us that there is a ghost living in the church. It is said that if you run around the church seven times, you will see her. (Naturally the boys began to run around, but I think they got tired and walked around instead. In any case, they didn't see the ghost).

        Next to the church is a little museum. The oldest person  that was found in Norway was a woman called Sol, and she was found in Søgne. We walked through the museum, and I read a lot about Sol and her history. We didn't see the bones, but we saw a likeness that looked like Sol. It was very interesting, and afterwards we saw a short video about archaeology and where they found her. 

        Before we went home, the guides showed us a submarine from WW2. It was in a cave, and it looked strange. It had been found after the war, and it was in very good shape because it hadn't been used much. We saw many cool things yesterday, and all in all it was an exciting morning. 


  1. That church is beautiful. I see the ship hanging from the ceiling! I can't wait to hear more about your week at work at the library.

  2. Vi er imponert over hvor god du er blitt i norsk.


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