Ice Skating (ish)

         Today, I decided to go for a nice walk around the lake with Ananda and Alina. When we got down to the water, we noticed something strange. There was a woman standing in the middle of the lake! As we got closer to the beach, we could see dozens of people skating, and walking across the ice that had formed. We've had quite a few days under freezing, but it was still a nice surprise! 

        We texted some friends, and they texted some more, and suddenly half of the school was scooting across the ice in their sneakers. (Marianne said she's trying to rent our class skates, so hopefully the lake will stay frozen!!) We all messed around, slipping and sliding and trying to make it to the islands. Some of us played tag for a bit, and had a dance circle. It was an unexpected, yet super fun part of the day!

        Most people took snapchat videos, which don't cooperate when I try to upload them, so I once again made a big video. This one is much better than last time, and I even added music :) We have morning assembly next week, so instead of the video we'd planned--that I may or may not have forgotten about making--maybe we can show this


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