'Twas The Week Before Christmas

         I'm a bit behind here, but I haven't had so much time to write in the last few days, so here's a little about what we did before we came to Aurebekk. Sofia, Alina and I got back to the school from Eskil's house the evening of the 19th. On the 23rd, Sofia was leaving to spend Christmas with her reading buddy, Maria, near Oslo. Alina and I had a few things left to finish up before we headed to Aurebekk, so we decided to stay with her until the 23rd. (Alina couldn't go back to Germany because of covid, and was going to spend xmas at the school, but my family here said she could stay with us!) 

        The weather was pretty nice, so on Sunday Alina and I walked to Tangvall to do some grocery shopping (about an hour walk). We coordinated with Sofia and decided to make burritos one night, quesadillas the next, and the third be on our own (ramen, frozen pizza or something). The meals ended up being delicious, and our walk was a great way to spend the day outside. It was interesting though because all of the stores in Tangvall were closed due to it being Sunday, and so close to Christmas. We had to stand outside the grocery store and wait for it to open, which was rather funny. 

        While I had planned to leave the 23rd, I was invited to visit Andreas--one of my Norwegian relatives--and his family for the day on the 22nd. When I got picked up, Gunlaug (Andreas's mother) asked me if Alina and I wanted to go to Aurebekk that night. I figured we could, even though we hadn't packed yet, but she assured me it would be fine. 

        Andreas works on the farm, and lives in Gunlaug's old house. When I arrived, his daughter, Signe, was very excited, and was also very determined to only speak English. She is 8, and has been learning English in school, and from the TV. We spent the day making--and eating--pepperkake. For lunch, we ate a type of grøt--semulegryn I think--which was smoother than what we get at school, and delicious! Signe showed me the barn, and the cows. They have about 15 grown cows, and a few calves. It was really interesting, but also really smelly!! 

        When we left, Gunlaug drove me back to the school, where Alina and I speed-packed our things, and said goodbye to Sofia. We ate dinner at Gunlaug's house, and then got dropped off at Aurebekk. Alina and I are staying in the apartment above Oddbjørg's house, and we expected to just have a place to stay, but it was done up all Christmas like, with decorations, a fridge full of julebrus, and own tree! But that wasn't even the best part: the girls (Lea and Sara) had decorated the tree with personalized ornaments for us. It was so sweet, and a perfect way to make us both feel welcome and at home! 


  1. I can imagine how everyone that meets you, must immediately adore you! You have such a gift. Merry Christmas!

  2. So wonderful that you have your own tree. Love the handmade ornaments!


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