A Friend-mas in Stavanger

         After returning from Harstad I came back to the school to spend the night. Sofia made us delicious quesadillas, full of corn and mushrooms and peppers, and by 7:15 the next morning, we were on the bus heading to Kristiansand. We took a train to Stavanger to visit our friend Eskil, and meet up with Alina, who had been in Stavanger with Ananda and some other friends from school. When we arrived--after a three hour train ride--Eskil and Alina met us at the station, and we went to the store to stock up for the next few days. 

        When we arrived at Eskil's house, we had a pretty chill afternoon. His parents are with family in the Netherlands, but due to covid he couldn't visit them for Christmas. Instead, he'll be staying with his girlfriend and her family, but wanted to get home for a few days during our long break. 

        We--a bunch of students who have been missing home--decorated a Christmas tree, hung up and obnoxious amount of decorations, listened to Xmas music, and had a wonderful time celebrating together. (Sofia also had fun trying on Eskil's authentic Dutch clogs). We made a delicious pasta dinner (full of vegetables!!) and sat down at the table to eat together. It was a great night! 

        The next day we slept late, and the student life set in--aka ramen for breakfast and pizza for dinner. It was Sofia's 20th birthday, so we had planned to go for a hike around the area, but the weather was pretty terrible, and we hadn't packed the right clothes. Instead, we spent the day binge watching tv shows and hanging out--and singing her happy birthday in 5 different languages! We walked to town in the rain to pick up the pizza--my favorite Norwegian pizza is Chicken Taco--and had a cozy night in. We left the next day, and though we didn't do much, it was a great way to spent part of the holidays together!

        Because of the virus, we've all been extremely cautious with our travel. We've all been living together, so we've only been visiting with our classmates. We wore masks the entire time from the bus stop to Eskil's house, and used almost an entire bottle of hand sanitizer over the three days. Alina and I are staying with my Norwegian family at Aurebekk for the rest of vacation, so we made sure that we were careful to keep distance from others and be responsible. 


  1. Too bad it's raining and not snowing! Sounds like a fun (and delicious) way to spend the weekend.

  2. I would have love hearing Happy Birthday sung in 5 different languages! Fun.


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