Saturday Morning Excursion

         Saturday morning Ananda and I geared up for the pouring rain--in rain pants borrowed from Linn, and our hiking shoes on--and began the hour long walk to Tangvall. We didn't tell anyone where we were going, because Ananda wanted to buy a birthday present for Alina, so we sneakily slipped out before breakfast. It was pouring rain, but of course the Norwegians were unfazed, so we weren't the only ones out and about. When we got to Tangvall we were pretty hungry, so we stopped at a bakery and bought a gigantic thing of bread called a milk cake. I don't know how we finished the whole thing! 

        After eating we wandered around a little bit, got Alina's gift, and checked out a few of the other stores. There was a second hand shop that we wanted to look through, and it was full of cute and fun clothing. The man that owned it was extremely nice, and talked with us about his passion for clothes, and helped Ananda find some great stuff. She tried on a vintage vest, and the owner got so excited, he offered her a great deal. It was a very cute and homey store. 

        We needed to buy some groceries and gifts for our Secret Santa, or Nissevenn (elf friend) so we went to the store, and after that it was basically lunch time. Instead of rushing back for ris grøt--porridge that we eat every Saturday--we stopped by a little Thai place and got food to bring back. 

        The walk back--carrying Thai food and not eating it--was hard, but we managed, and even got back before dinner had ended. That meant we were able to sneak in and steal some of the soda that they only serve on Saturdays! (Of course by 'sneak in' I mean walk into dinner soaking wet and carrying shopping bags and takeout--quite the spectacle). 

        We still managed to keep our adventure mostly secret, so Alina doesn't know why we really went. Along with the rest of the school, she just thinks we're crazy! The Thai food was delicious though :)


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