Life Update Nov 5

         Hey! I haven't posted in a bit because I've been working on a vlog (video blog) of Halloween that is taking way longer than I anticipated. I've also been completely swamped with Kitchen Duty--which I can explain more thoroughly in a separate post--and I'm running on five or so hours of sleep due to post election stress, so I just haven't had the time to sit down and write a blog. 

        Things are pretty normal here. We've started a new version of Mafia, where now you don't kill your person by getting them alone and saying 'you are dead,' but instead have to get them in a certain room and give them a certain object. It doesn't matter if anyone else is around to hear you, but some of the things are extremely difficult (ex: ping pong ball in the kitchen, silverware outside, bread and cheese in the classroom). Mine is hard because it's a deck of cards in a classroom--with a person that I hardly ever talk to, and would never be in a classroom with. Not yet sure what I'm going to do. 

        The school has been buzzing about the election in the US. We had the news live-streaming in the peisestue for nearly 48 hours, until it was just too much to take. It's very strange seeing the way that another country perceives yours, first hand. It's easy to conceptualize what the rest of the world thinks of America and this whole situation, but it's been a wild ride seeing my country--my home--from the outside like this. It's also been interesting learning about Norway's political system, and seeing how it compares with the US. 

        A nice distraction and my new favorite activity has been a game called Grab the Mic. We all sit in the aula, and the stips play the beginning of a song. If you know it, you race to grab one of the microphones and have to sing along with the first verse and chorus. It can be a competitive game, but it's even more fun to just play and enjoy it. Sometimes there will be only one person singing, other times ten people will be crowded around the mics. Johan from Reiseliv is insanely good at the game, and seems to know every lyric to every single song. It's very entertaining to watch.

        Last night, a group of 30 or so of us started around ten and intended to play until eleven, but got so caught up in the fun of it that we didn't stop until 12:30. (A nice end to a stressful day). I had a great time introducing the Norwegians to the "So good, so good, so good" in Sweet Caroline. We're going to need to come up with some new songs, because everyone is excited to play again soon! 


  1. Glad to see you are having way more fun than we are here :)

  2. Always enjoyable hearing what you are up to. Try to get some sleep

  3. I want to play Grab the Mic!!! Sounds so fun! Good luck with Mafia...are you just carrying around a deck of cards all the time now?

    1. Pretty much! And a ping pong ball so I can help Sofia :)

    2. Mafia update? Have either you or Sofia killed (or been killed)?


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