Kitchen Duty

         I mentioned last week in a post that I'd been incredibly busy due to having kitchen duty. For those of you who don't know what that means, let me explain. Each week, from Monday to Sunday, six students are in charge of setting up and clearing away the meals. That includes wiping the tables, doing the dishes, mopping the floor, putting away the food, and tidying up the peisestue. It may not sound like much with a team of six, but there are 100 students at this school, and we eat four meals a day! 

        The job begins after breakfast, and the team is split into three groups. One has dishes, one has the dining hall, and the last has the peisestue. The peisetsue is a very easy task, so when you're done, you're supposed to come in and help with the tables and mopping. The longest task is the dishes. The school has an industrial dish washer where each load takes about 4 minutes, but there are so many dishes that depending on the meal, it can take over an hour to finish. 

        Kitchen duty is something that everybody has to do, and I really have new respect for all of the people that have already done it. It's a huge time commitment--more for NLC because we actually have homework throughout the week--and it can be hard work. The level of fun varies based on your group, and unfortunately, our group had some technical difficulties. (There were days when members simply wouldn't show up, or would leave directly after cleaning the peisestue. Some days the tables weren't cleaned, and my partner and I had to wash them after we did the dishes.) 

        It was more stressful that it should have been, and that was not made easier by it being election week. I just wanted to be out of there! That being said, it was a nice distraction, and there were some fun moments. One perk is that you get first pick at lunch, and lunch is always leftovers from the dinner before so you gotta be quick. Also, when we were on dishes, it was fun to blast the radio and dance around while we waited for the machine. We definitely made some lasting memories together. Overall, kitchen duty is a unique part of the Folk High School life that I definitely wasn't anticipating, but I think that as a whole, it's a positive aspect of the school. 


  1. How many more times will you have kitchen duty? Will you be with the same group every time?

    1. I think just once more. Right now we have a list up to Christmas, but not sure if after Christmas the groups will be switched.

  2. Nice to know! Wish your kitchen duty would have been a little easier for you. They are lucky to have your dedication for doing a good job


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