Kristiansand Dyrepark

         In the middle of all this rain, last Monday was a gorgeous, sunny day. So of course, the entire school packed up and went to the zoo! We had a really great time walking around and seeing the animals. They even fed the tiger while we were there which was pretty exciting. Taking a nice day trip to the zoo felt very normal, almost too normal. Apparently there's been a spike in covid cases in Kristiansand in the last few days, so it was lucky that we went when we did. We spent most of the day there, then came back to the school for dinner and language training. 

A trip to the zoo wouldn't be right without something sweet! 

The tiger:

The Kristiansand zoo is very unique in that they give the animals huge enclosures with enough space to not just survive, but really live--here are some flamingos.

There were a bunch of meerkats, and this one cracked us up because of the way it was sitting, just chilling. 

They had an entire "Africa" section, with lots of animals roaming around. (The lions were kept elsewhere).


There's a moose somewhere in this picture. We really wanted to see the wolves, but their enclosure was basically a small forest, so they were off hiding somewhere. 

More meerkats!

There is a lot more stuff to do at the zoo than see the animals, but most of it was closed for the season. Maybe we can go back in the spring! 


  1. Take advantage of the nice days when you can get them. Before you know it, there will be three feet of snow on the ground.

  2. That cotton candy looks amazing! Who is that in the picture with you?

    1. It was delicious! That's Emilie from California and a guy named Johan from Norway.

  3. Looks like you had a nice outing!


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