Bowling, and a Really Hectic Schedule

         I've found that you never get bored at a Folk High School, you just never get onto a schedule. Sometimes I still feel that I haven't really 'settled in' because I'm not sure I've ever had a full week where everything went according to the schedule I was given. I ended up dropping out of ceramics class for that very reason--there's been three or four classes so far out of the eight in the session, and--because of International Food--I had to leave halfway through the only one I attended. We're always going on trips, or having little adventures, so that each week is something new. I never know what to expect, but I'm not complaining! 

        This week, all of the classes went bowling! NLC, Friluft, and Global all have their long day on Wednesday, so instead of class, we took the minibuses to Kristiansand. The rest of the classes have their long day on Tuesday, but for some reason, they went on Monday. Monday is usually our collective cleaning day, so that meant that Monday became Tuesday for the morning, then went back to being 'Monday' after dinner--and the opposite on Tuesday. Confusing? Yeah. 

Ananda with a bowling ball that matched her shirt.

        Despite the crazy schedule, bowling was super fun! My group was Sofia, Eskil, and Lars (both from Friluft). Next to us was Ananda, Alina and Emilie. I've only done real bowling a few times in my life--back home we have candlepin bowling with tiny balls, so this was kind of new to me. Only at the end did they tell me that I was holding the bowling balls wrong, but I guess it didn't matter since I won 3 out of 4 games. (Despite not actually being the smallest in the group, my name was Lil E). 

        Our group was pretty competitive, and most of the games were quite close. Lars got especially into it, and partway through the third game--after a string of gutter balls--Eskil secretly asked the manager to put up the bumpers for Lars's next turn. Everyone got a laugh out of that one, and we put them down again right after. Here's Lars being dramatic after it didn't go his way. 

        Near the end, Ananda and Alina started a left handed only game, which turned into us bowling backwards, through our legs, and all the other silly ways you can think of. (I won that too ;) ). The ball is so big it's impossible to miss! Next Friday the whole school is off on another adventure, this time to a climbing park. I'm super excited, but I guess I won't be 'settling in' next week either!


  1. It's nice you are having some fun indoor activities.

  2. How many classes are there? And what are they? Friluft is outdoor life, right? What is Global? It seems like you always mention these 2 groups. Bowling looks fun. My very first time ever big-ball bowling was at Madison (and I won! I felt the same way--how can you miss???) :)

    1. There's Friluftsliv, which is outdoor life with a touch of photography. Then Film, which makes movies, Photo and Backpacking Extreme (pretty self explanatory), and Art. Reiseliv is travel life, and it's such a big class that there are two groups. We hardly ever hang out with them though. And Global is the humanitarian class, they usually travel to Africa and do volunteer work with refugees or something. Not quite sure. We've been spending time with Friluft and Global recently, but we're planning another trip with Art soon.

  3. I never would have thought that there would be a bowling alley in Norway. So much fun!


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