A Short Story

         Tuesday night my friend Alina and I were wandering around, looking for something to do. Most people were watching Harry Potter, but we wanted to play boardgames and hang out instead. There was almost nobody in the main areas, but the teacher in charge for the night had brought his 7 year old son to work with him, so we went over and in our best Norwegian, asked if he wanted to play a game with us. 

        He said that he was doing homework, but that maybe we could play later. That seemed fine, so we went up and hung around the ping pong table, chatting. About 15 minutes later, the kid came up and said, "Ok, let's play!" When we asked him what he wanted to play, he said "Let's play football!"

        We got some other people to join, and we ended up with 6 of us, 7 hockey sticks, 3 pairs of shoes, and about 20 random balls. And that is the story of how during my chill evening, I ended up playing football, hockey, volleyball, and dodgeball all at once--a very unexpected end to my night. 🤷


  1. 3 pairs of shoes? What did you use those for?

    1. Haha! I meant that half of us were running around in our socks--I was in my slippers ready to relax, not play soccer!

  2. That 7-year old must have been so happy to have all of you playing with him!


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