A 24 Hour Adventure (Part 1)

         Wednesday was a gorgeous day, perfect for an adventure! NLC had planned a canoeing trip with the Friluftsliv (Outdoor Life) class, so we packed our bags in the morning, and set out right after breakfast. NLC got lucky and got a minibus to drive us most of the way, but Friluft had to find their way through the woods with compasses and maps--about an hour walk. We still ended up walking for half an hour or so, but some of the NLC students aren't as used to carrying big bags so it took us a bit longer. 

        When we reached our destination--a campsite type place next to the lake, we climbed up a little higher so that we could get a better view, and got a nice fire going. We drank tea and coffee, and roasted marshmallows while waiting for Friluftsliv to get there. After they arrived, we hung out for a bit, then split into two groups. One hiked a farther up to get the highest viewpoint, and the other went down to canoe. 

        I started canoeing with Emilie, and we stuck by some of the others as we went around the lake. A few of the Friluft class had brought fishing rods, and stopped at a little island in the middle to fish. Others fished from their canoes. We just paddled around, enjoying the nice weather and chatting. After a bit, Emilie got tired, so we headed back and realized that Ananda hadn't gone out yet because she got there late from the viewpoint. I dropped Emilie off, and Ananda and I canoed for another half hour or so. 


        We grouped up with some of our friends who were holding onto each others canoes and fishing. Another group was doing the same thing, so we all paddled over and created a raft of 7 canoes. We paddled around as a group, singing songs and laughing. Nobody caught any fish.  

        As people packed up for the walk home--everybody had to walk back--we got a larger fire going in the campsite's pit where we heated up our matpakker (packed lunches). Mine ended up as a delicious grilled ham and cheese. Friluft left on by one, but our class planned to leave as together. As they headed off, some of the boys were still messing around near the campsite--sword fighting with sticks. When they realized the class was gone, they looked around and said, "Of course they haven't left, they wouldn't leave without Evelyn and Alina!" Little did they know, we had no intention of leaving. 


  1. Please continue with part 2 soon. I can't wait to hear more!!

  2. Your entire NLC class left except for you and Alina??


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