Quarantine Pictures

A nice woman took a picture of Bjorn and me, and we talked with her about where we could have a campfire. Now all we need is marshmallows!

This is where we went swimming from--a nice little beach area.

It's hard to see, but we swam all the way out to the island in the middle. 

This is a zoomed up picture, but it's still hard to see. 

We swam the easy way back, to here!

Here's a cute bridge on the path.

This is just one of the many trampolines that I've seen so far. They're everywhere!

Here's the little cove on the sea where there are picnic benches, a dock, and a gorgeous view.

The dock--yesterday we saw some jellyfish off of it. 

Here's Bjorn--we saw some cans left on the ground so we went around picking them up and threw them away. Trying to make a good impression, being American and all :)

The weather's in the seventies today, and it's extremely sunny. I think I'm getting more burned here than I did in Rockport!

Home sweet home! I live on the second floor, the door lets in a nice breeze. 

Panorama of the campus, the big buildings to the left are the dorms. 

The school--I can't wait for it to start, and for others to arrive!


  1. Thanks for the pictures! Great to see what's around you.

  2. It's so beautiful there! Are there homes on the Island? It looks like a raft with steps?? I wonder how deep that lake is.

  3. Looks awesome! Thanks for the pics!


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