Quarantine Part 2

        There really hasn't been much going on these past few days. I've walked around the lake a couple of times, Bjorn and I went swimming again, and I've been chilling in my rooms watching Netflix. Quarantine is definitely getting boring, and I can't wait to get out and see people again!

        One funny moment was when we were swimming--we were hanging out on a raft off of the beach, and these two little kids swam over. They were probably about 8-10 years old, and we each kept to our own side of the raft, which is blocked in the middle by a set of stairs to jump off of. All of a sudden it got really quiet, and I looked over and couldn't see the kids. Bjorn and I were both concerned, when we heard a knocking from underneath, which scared us both! They had maneuvered under the dock and right under where we were standing so that they could scare us. We talked to them a little bit, practicing our Norwegian, but then of course they started speaking English! 

        Yesterday, I met the teacher of the Norwegian Language and Culture course. She is very nice, and answered some questions that Bjorn and I had about the school year. I'm going to move into my dorm on Saturday, but it's looking like I'm not going to have a roommate, since there are only 7 girls. Usually we would room with Norwegian students, but since the school is trying to separate the classes due to the virus, it just worked out that way. It's a bit weird, since I was expecting to have a roommate, but I guess my room will have to be the party room :)

        Today I took a walk down to the sea and read my book at one of the picnic tables. It was very nice and calming, until it started to rain! Every day my weather app has predicted rain, and it hasn't rained so I thought I would be fine. Luckily it was only a drizzle, and my book and I made it back safely. Now it's just cloudy and wet outside. On the walk back I passed a bunch of children--students probably--with some chaperones. They saw my mask and all pointed, saying "corona!" That was a little embarrassing, but it's very strange being here where nobody else wears masks. I only wear mine when I'm around other people,  and after my quarantine I won't have to wear one.  

        Another NLC student is coming tomorrow, a boy from Japan who's been quarantining in Trondheim. On Saturday and Sunday everyone will be moving in, and Sunday night is our opening dinner! I'm really looking forward to beginning the year and meeting everyone. Our first ten days of school will be different than usual--the classes have to stick together and can't associate with other courses--so as to control any possible outbreak. Then once the 'quarantine' period is over, it should go back to normal!


  1. I miss the days of you reading on my boat while I fished.


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