Quarantine Part 1

    It's Saturday night, and I've been at Agder for 3 full days! My first day was more exploratory than anything. There's a lovely lake about a 3 minute walk from the school, with a great path around it. I walked the path, and explored some of the surrounding area, including the way to the ocean, only about a 15 minute walk from Agder. At 2pm that day, I logged on for a Zoom workout with my mom, and Community Fitness of Cape Ann. It was great seeing everybody, and while it was 8:00 in the morning for them, I was wide awake and ready for burpees!

    On Friday I met the other student quarantining here, a boy named Bjorn from the state of Washington. He was very nice, and we decided to go swimming in the lake. The weather was in the high seventies, and we both wanted to make the most of Norway's limited warm and sunny days. We walked to a little beach area, where there was a family swimming off of a dock. The water was tropical compared to the ocean! In the middle of the lake are a few small islands, and we could see a picnic bench on one of them so we decided to swim there. 

    It turned out to be farther away than it had seemed, but after a quarter mile swim we finally made it to the island! It was great getting outside, and it made for a nice bonding experience, because we are the only two people here most of the time. We cut across and swam the short way back, then walked to our shoes. That night we pooled our food and made delicious taco bowls! 

    Today I slept in, and then read some Les Miserables (I joined an online book group that's going at a very slow pace, yet somehow I'm still 150 pages behind). Then Bjorn and I took a walk around the lake, searching for a fire pit that we both remembered seeing on our own. Somehow we walked passed it twice, and made a few giant loops, adventuring through the paths until we found the area we were looking for. Side note: you wouldn't believe how many houses have trampolines! Our final destination had a few tables and a spot for a fire, and a nice dock over the ocean. After lunch we threw a frisbee around for about 2 hours (we're not bored, I swear!) and then I made myself a BLT for dinner. 

    The sun rose around 5:50am and set at about 9:15 tonight. The days will be getting shorter soon, but for now it's nice having long days. This weekend some of the alumni are moving in, and they will be helping with the school and classes. Hopefully we will get to meet them, and they will be nice! It will be good to have some more company, even wearing masks. (Nobody here besides Bjorn and I wear masks, and we won't have to once our quarantine is over). 

    Somehow I did so much doing that I forgot to take pictures! But I will remedy that and possibly put up another photo post tomorrow :)



  1. Nice hearing your quarantine adventures!

  2. I'm Bjorn's dad - love reading about your experience while in quarantine.


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