Family Time

     On Saturday my quarantine officially ended! I woke up early so that I could move all of my bags to my new dorm room. I don't have a roommate due to uneven numbers, but since I had requested one, I got a double room all to myself. Turns out I needed the space, as I seemed to have packed my entire house! I even had to steal hangers from some of the empty dorms since I didn't have enough.   

        At 11am I got picked up by Gunlaug and Alf Torgny--my Norwegian relatives--and they drove me to their house, where I quickly saw their son Audun and his wife Hilde. Then I was dropped off at Aurebekk--the family farm/land. I spent most of the afternoon spending time with the children. I was very excited to see them because I'd had so much fun with them last year, and now that I know a few words in Norwegian, we had a good laugh of trying to speak with each other. 

        Sara and Lea brought a box of toy animals over and quizzed me on the translations, and then we counted to ten in English and Norsk. They are learning English in school, and can already say so many things. I spent a lot of brain power trying to tell Lea that I was sending a message to my school teacher, and when I stumbled over 'lærer' she immediately said, "Oh, teacher?" like it was that easy! 

        After the kids went to bed we had a lovely meal with many of the family members that live nearby. Anne Tone and Helge made an amazing Greek dinner, and Audun made some delicious bread. He loves to cook and bake, and we even talked about having a Thanksgiving dinner in Norway! It was so great spending time with everyone, and I really felt like part of the family :)

I had an incredible and memorable day, and I hope that I am able to visit many many times this year. Everyone was so kind, speaking English in their own house to accommodate me, and I can't wait for classes to start so I can begin learning Norwegian. Hopefully next time I will be able to say more than "takk for maten" (thanks for the food). Here is a picture of the dessert! Yogurt and apricot jam, with candied nuts on top. 


  1. I'm glad to hear you had such a wonderful time with family. Great pictures! I hope you are enjoying your classes.

  2. That dessert looks amazing! Seems like a great first day out of quarantine! I guess you have some little language tutors there :)

  3. So wonderful to hear that your Norwegian family is taking such great care of you. The Greek food looks so good!

  4. It was a wonderful evening and so fun to have you here in Norway, Evelyn. We are looking forward to more visits, and you are welcome to any of our homes whenever you like! And it will be fun to speak Norwegian with you 🙂

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