An Eventful Morning

        This morning I woke up, and around 9:30 decided to make breakfast. I had one egg left, so I wanted to make an open faced egg sandwich, but I wanted toasted bread. I don't have a toaster so I buttered the bread and cooked it in the frying pan, then cooked the egg, and put some cheese on it. I also had another slice of toast with jam. 

        Since I cook everything myself, I'm responsible for all of my dishes, and there's no dishwasher so I like to do the dishes as soon as I can to get them out of the way. I usually do them in between cooking and eating, so the food is my incentive to wash them. I washed the knives and the cutting board, then the pan. Then I sat down to enjoy my delicious breakfast!

        Suddenly my doorbell started ringing quite urgently. I opened it and teacher that I had not previously met came in and said that I'd set the fire alarm off, which was weird because there was no noise. She checked the apartment, and I embarrassingly told her it was just my terrible cooking abilities. Then she left, saying this was actually a good thing that it had happened before school started, so they could make a note to fix this fire alarm. 

        I guess they did fix it, for five minutes later, as I was settling back down, ready to enjoy my breakfast, the loudest, most horrible sound went off. Everybody had to evacuate the building, and I had to go out and say, "There is no fire!" so that people stopped running in a panic. It was a wild experience, and I felt really bad, but they reassured me that this happens quite often, as they tend to be overcautious. Apparently the school burned down in the 60s and they never want that to happen again.

        Luckily, when we had to go outside, the rain decided to stop. Not five minutes after we returned, the thunder started again and it began to pour. The upside is that I was able to talk to a teacher I hadn't seen, and she got me the room key to my dorm, which I am moving into tomorrow morning! She also gave me some mail--not one, but three letters from home--which she seemed a little surprised at, but I loved! 

        So hopefully that will be the end of this eventful morning, and the rest of today can be spent watching netflix and drinking hot chocolate while it rains! 

        *Update* Right after I made this post I went to make hot cocoa. I put the powder in the cup, and when the water boiled I poured it in, only to realize that the mug I had grabbed had a crack down the side, so boiling chocolate water started flooding out from the bottom. I was able to save most of it and pour it into another mug, but man, this day has been crazy! 


  1. That just made my day! Please, please, please, DO NOT BURN DOWN THE DORMS! Stop your cooking NOW!!!!

  2. I totally agree with your dad's comment. Thanks for the laughs!!!!


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